My Favorite Things…….

   Birdhouses….. boxes ….fluffy clouds ….toasted marshmallows… babies laughing…. children playing…. unicorns…. kittens…. puppies…. Fourth of July parades…. white sand beaches…. purple mountain majesties… waving golden wheat fields…… glass of Merlot…. blue patterned china… magic of Christmas…. music boxes…. chocolate…. campfires,,,, clean sheets…. marching bands…. hammock time on Jeness Pond…. river otters…. smell of new mown grass….. rainbows…. blue moons…… picnics… road trips…. penguins… panda bears…… sunflowers……. meadowlarks….. lily pad floats……

©2011 Susan Kendall.  All rights reserved

About Lily

Born in Topeka, Kansas in the middle of the 20th Century, daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister, cousin, mother, aunt, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, reader, spiritual, writer, cook, crafter, junker...... twice-married, former non-profit executive in retread mode... currently living a bucket list life in a remodeled schoolhouse.....
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