Category Archives: Gardening

A season in every thing……..

According to my former flower shop/green house owner cousin, any plant is a weed if it is not growing where you want. I have pulled up and replanted my fair share of plants and bulbs. I admit to having a … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, Musings | 1 Comment

Farmville Update…….

Last week Mike found a horse drawn sleigh on Craig’s List. He talked me into going three towns over to check it out. The owner told us the sleigh came from Wisconsin sixteen years ago. She had it on the … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Friends, Gardening | Leave a comment

As Seasons Turn…….

Greetings from northern Illinois where it is a sunny 3 degrees. Jem is curled up in his warm spot. I have to shoo and push Princess and Eugene  out the pet door. Every day Mike is emailing me really good home … Continue reading

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