Today I was researching the feasibility of having a Twitter account for our business. The Twitter website announces the new TWITTER.COM and assures us we will all have access to the new and improved version. New and improved, or not, the thought of having to tweet 50 – 60 messages with a sales message every 5 tweets still sounds daunting.
While contemplating the feasibility of coming up with tweet content 16-18 hours a day, Jami called to update me on her progress with the Facebook site. She has to deactivate and start over because I messed up the profile information she wanted me to input. Sigh.
We had a business owner/administrative specialist discussion regarding Twitter. Imagine my surprise when my tech savvy, hyperactive, constant motion, cell phone and Facebook addict daughter was a little reluctant to enter the constant tweet social media world. Okay, my dependence had been on her, we will table the discussion for a day or so.
While on the Twitter site I read some of the Twitter examples they had running down the page. One of the tweets was a message on “How doodling sharpens concentration, increases retention, and enhances access to the problem solving unconscious.” Being a lifetime member of the marathon doodler club, I went to the website. Fascinating article about how doodling helps with learning by integrating our visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensory systems. The article was filled with wonderful examples of doodling techniques.
Fig. 3: Bullets, frames, and connectors create connection and contrast. ©
Maybe I will doodle awhile………….