May 7 is National Scrapbooking Day. I spent the day at an all day “crop”, with a long time cropping friend and several new friends. I have been cropping at Archiver’s with my daughter and several of her friends for about six years now. Scrapbooking my wedding album and Christmas albums for my nieces and nephews was my previous venture into this very creative world. The handmade cards, invitations and scrapbooking pictures craze has created an industry and market all of its own.
In March I attended my first weekend crop. The experience reminded me of my grandmother and her sewing circle’s quilting bees. The women I meet have been friendly, generous and fun loving. I am looking forward to a future filled with scrapping and cropping and new friends.
Pick up a 12” cutter, some paper, a few stickers and photos and join us. Might be the best several hours you ever spent………
©2011 Susan Kendall. All rights reserved