We are the sum total of our life experiences and choices made while living those experiences. I am accountable for decisions I make and accept responsibility for actions resulting from those choices. Choosing to not make a decision is a choice. I am then responsible for consequences resulting from the non-decision. Seems I cannot get away from accepting responsibility for myself!
Sometimes when my sum total life intersects with others living their sum total life conflicts arise. Then my choice is to be in their experience or leave and find another place to be. Why do we stay? Why do we go?
At the end of every Rotary meeting we stand and repeat the Rotary Four-Way Test in unison:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
I ask myself the four Rotary questions in everything I think, say and do now. If the answer is no, I have a choice to make.
Some choices are easier to live with than others……..
©2012 Susan Kendall. All rights reserved