Inspiration for good is easy to find if you are looking……
Laughing with a baby is the most joyous pleasure in the world….
Teenagers really think they do know it all…….
The darkest hours of the night are meant to be slept through….
Insanity really is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results….
Life is meant to be lived not observed from the porch….
If you do get off the porch expect to play with the big dogs….
Love means wanting only the best for your beloved……
Gardens are the closest place to heaven on earth……
Intergenerational relationships are essential for a balanced life…….
Bacon and eggs cooked outside over an open fire and eaten while watching the morning sun reflect on Lake Isabel are the best…….
The walking wounded are everywhere among us…..
There is no obstacle too large to overcome with tenacity, stubbornness, determination and sheer willpower…..
New England in the fall is so beautiful it hurts to look for too long……..
Purple majesty does describe the Rocky Mountains….
The call of the loon is a lonely sound……..
Children are “the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself”, Kahlil Gibran……..
Friends are essential to the elixir of life……
The perfume of viburnum blooms in the spring is incomparable….
In You………..
©2011 Susan Kendall. All rights reserved