Birthdays were pretty big at our house. Birth days were too, since I am the oldest of eight children.
In the 1950’s there was a stereotypical belief surrounding large families. I cannot begin to tell you how many adults would ask me if we were Catholic. I would say, no, my mother just liked the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. Since that was a true statement, for many years after my youngest sister was born, I did sometimes wonder if there might be more siblings in my future.
Having a day of your own to celebrate was very important to Mom. Two of my siblings had birthdays two days apart, the week after Dad’s birthday. Didn’t matter, there were always three parties. These days we are scattered to four states and have to make an effort to be all together. One of the traditions we started is celebrating 50th birthdays. One of my brothers was born on New Year’s Eve. That 50th party was fun! Lots of his friends from back in the day showed up. Memories abounded.
Part of my Kansas family is gathering at Dave and Buster’s today to celebrate my second to the youngest sister’s 50th birthday. My sisters and I will get together in Kansas the first weekend in March and celebrate by attending a Jeff Dunham concert together. We will have fun. We always find a way to have fun even long distance. Guess how many ecards I sent her.
Happy Birthday Sister Sally………………….
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